Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Horse and Hounds

I'm a bit of an Archers fanatic (on Radio 4 here in the UK). So you'll see references to this quite often - this time it will be about the issue of hunting. Yesterday the appalling Jill Archer was berating Caroline and Oliver for accidentally ripping a fox to shreds when by complete chance they came across one while having a gentle canter across the countryside accompanied by several dozen hounds. 'It's againt the law!!!!' she screamed.
Great mystery though - how come the East Borsetshire hunt only consists of two huntsmen but from the noise of it huge numbers of dogs (sorry can't call them that - they are hounds!)
For once I'm on the side of the terrible Jill - not that I'm on the side of the fox - vermin should be eradicated, by gassing, shooting or trapping - it's just the spectacle of these people rushing across the countryside - the unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable as someone said. I'm going to get mail!


Paul said...

Hi Steve,

Thanks for visiting my "Freaks of Nature" blog! The cat with the squirrel is named Dragon.

How are things in London? We love it over there!


X Bunny said...

Xbun says 'be careful how you define vermin'