I'm so pleased that a new series of the great comedy 'Ladies of Letters' is featuring on Radio 4 this week. This time the series is called 'Ladies of Letters say NO!' Starring those great treasures Prunella Scales and Patricia Routledge it can be heard at 10.45am and 7.45pm. If you hear just one episode you will become an addict - just as I am! This couple of 'friends' have been through so much together over the years - imprisonment, love affairs, the pain and delights of children, and always falling out and making up throufh correspondence - first by letters, then through the Internet and emails. Go listen!
It was a joy, wasn't it?
An absolute joy. The pairing of Patricia & Prunella is serendipity! Every series becomes more surreal, and yet somehow possible. Roll on the next one!
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