The statue of Nelson Mandela will finally be unveiled on 29th August. There was a great deal of controvery about where this sculpture would be placed. Ken Livingstone (and me too I have to admit) wanted it in Trafalgar Square. The most appropriate place would have been outside South Africa House. Westminster Council disagreed - and they had the final veto. So, it will now be placed in Parliament Square - close to that of another South African leader, Jan Smuts. I suppose there is a logic to this siting and Nelson Mandela will be present at the unveiling.
By the way this is my 240th posting.
Hi, Steve, thanks for the visits to my blogs. Paris Deconstructed is rather in hiatus, but I post on Synchronizing a couple times a week. I also have a photoblog:
This is a nice and interesting one you have here. I went with a study abroad program a couple years ago to London for just a visit, and they (not I) visited Brixton. One of the instructors was teaching immigrant literature. But that is South London, yes?
Hi Ruth, thanks for visiting. I'll visit your sites soon.
Yes, Brixton is South London, and even though in the same city as my home it seems a very long way away! The London transport system is very good but we tend to keep in our own zones, except when travelling to the centre!
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