I have to say I wasn't much of a fan but could appreciate her talent. And then her latest song 'Tears Dry On Their Own' began to get regular airings and I'm hooked. She is remarkable - but really does need to get her head together. I could see how troubled she was during an appearance on the terrific TV programme 'Never Mind The Buzzcocks'.
That's a tough one, Steve. But here's my two cents:
When people do interventions on that show Intervention (I don't care for the show, personally, but it does have quite a following, it really does,) they too tell the addict that they are going to stop giving them stuff, like cars and money and a place to live and all unless they get rehab. I think that is just proper protocol when dealing with wanting people to go into rehab.
I think, though, in this case, when you are dealing with famous people like Amy Winehouse, it won't work as well as if you're dealing with some crack-head from Alabama, you know? (No offense to Alabamans) What I'm saying is that she could probably find another means to get what she wants elsewhere, since she is famous and all,and her Dad's leverage probably won't be that effective overall.
Peace, Steve.
Hi - thanks for visiting and commenting.
Since I wrote this blog 9 months ago things have only got worse for Amy - clearly she's a totally unreformed (and perhaps unreformable) addict. She's certainly in a situation where she could be helped - if she wanted to be. What a waste of a talent.
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