I found it moving, cathartic, shooking but somehow uplifting. It is supposed to be representative of the currect South African desire for reconcilation. It is all about redemption to my mind. I found the depiction of the gangster attacks on the new black middle class, fascinating. The only white character is a police inspector.
I loved the music too. It was so upbeat and uplifting that it was a remarkable contrast to the dark almost malevolent theme of the film.
Ironically as I am currently suffering from insomnia I caught an interview on the World Service at 3 a.m. this morning with the actor who played the older gangster and sang most of the songs on the soundtrack - I think he was called Zola.
Certainly Presley Chweneyagae who plays the lead in this film deserves to become a big star - he was superb and had a wonderful supporting cast.

Thanks for your comment on my blog re Tsotsi. I hope to see it within the next week myself & if I do do a review, will let you see it.
I see your blog is heavy on the movies and since I'm a film buff, will visit here often.
Hello there, I am a movie buff myself, although you might not see it too much on my blog.
Yes, Tsotsi was beautiful. I wish the theaters offered more thought provoking films. Imagine, I had to go to a small lesser known theater in my neighborhood to see it. The bigger theaters had only the forgettable films... like She's the Man, Aquamarine, and the like.
My husband and I plan on seeing Lady Vengeance when it comes out in yet another smallish theater in Manhattan. Although we already have the DVD, I made my husband promise not to open it until we see it on the big screen.
The lengths one must go to see good films in the theater!
i find it interesting you commented on there only being 1 white character...i kind of thought there'd at least be a few more in the city scenes or something...
never been to s. africa though...so maybe johannasburg is just that way.
--RC of strangeculture.blogspot.com
I put a link to your blog at mine to remind me to visit hear.
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