Here in the UK we are enjoying (suffering?) from a visit by Condaleeza Rice. Today she was visiting Jack Straw's constituency of Blackburn. I don't know who was experiencing more of a culture shock - Ms Rice or the bemused residents of this Northern, deprived, former textile town. Certainly not all the locals greeted her warmly. Many people still find the notion of suspects being ferried through British airways in transit between the US (where torture only exists in the form of brutal executions - I heard someone recently took over 20 minutes to die in the electric chair - but not before his head caught fire and the sound of his screams had convinced all the inmates of death row of their fate) towards a country where the methods of persuasion are a little more elaborate. I gather Jordan (and even Syria) are the destinations of choice. Naturally Ms Rice (or Dr Rice according to some) denies this and Jack Straw is unaware of any CIA planes carrying people to their doom have ever crossed over or stopped off in Britain.
There is something rotten in the Secretary of State (to adapt Shakespeare).
I read an essay about her early work as a Sovietologist. All she studied was troop movements, and never predicted the fall of the soviet system.
Great post
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