Sorry - couldn't resist another Brokeback moment!
I got this from the website of an artist producing pictures based on the film. However if you acess be warned - it is a gay site - some of the pictures on there may well offend!
Two things for today. What happened to bird flu. One minute we're being advised to stock up with tinned goods and water and candles because bird flu is going to carry off half the population - the next there is nothing on the media anwhere, at all, nothing. Did it stop in Turkey? Will somebody tell me so I can start eating my way through all the tins before they go part their sell by date.
Secondly - the people who were two days ago demanding free speech to allow the publication of some offensive cartoons are today demanding the arrest and punishment of people who demonstrated with some offensive ( and threatening) banners and placards. No consistency there then.
At least the man who dressed up as a suicide bomber has publicly apologised - but a tad late for an apology I reckon. Some people just have no sense whatsoever. The world has gone totally mad I think.
PS -My Brokeback review can be found in the January Archive - click on it to see it.
"The world has gone totally mad I think."
I am totally agree with you!
I was watching Newsnight last night - I totally despaired - the total lack of understanding or attempt to listen to each other!
oups my inglish is too bad!!!!!!!!
Its OK patrik - write in French & I'll get a dictionary
Pas de problem,je peux traduire:)
Merci beaucoup Tahin!
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