Now this isn't another post about Brokeback Mountain, but it is still having an impact on me - so I found this picture and I'm adding it today. I'm pleased that I've managed to continue daily bloggings for so many days, and I've also done a private journal every day so far this year. Today I went to the hospital for the second physiotherapy treatment on my hip. I can't say that my local hospital is wonderful. I'm not sure whether it is the constant building work or the central tunnel like corridor that goes the length of the building or the generally magnolia like decor that epitomises bland. Certainly there are no obvious maps or signingt so this central corridor is awash with people wandering disconsolately through out the building with a pervading air of the lost. Although they don't look anything like as good as the characters on the TV series of the same name!
I'm not sure how this treatment works - the basic principle is that four electrodes are stuck around the area of my pain and low level electricity is sent through the nerve endings. It confuses the pain I'm told. Certainly the pain does disappear for a while. It goes for longer each time. This is good news. I don't know why it came as a surprise that the physiotherapist is blind - it makes the allocation of the electrodes an interesting process - especially when she has cold hands! Another appointment next week.
Tonight I'll be watching Julian Clary tracing his family history - I found Stephen Fry's episode last week fascinating, and moving - especially the trip to Vienna.
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