A concert of Tudor music performed at the glorious Old Naval Chapel at Greenwich, designed by Wren, next to the banks of the River Thames. An appropriate setting for this performance by a choir known as the 16

. The programme consisted of pieces of religious music from the time of the Reformation in England, so some in Latin, others in English according to the time of composition, and which monarch was on the throne. The choir is excellent, technically, but rather like the Chapel the music was too formal, too plain, and to my ears too unemotional. It doesn't move me. Each group of voices piles layers of song one upon the other giving me the feeling of being wrapped in successive levels of woolly blankets, comfortable but not really exciting or pleasurable. The singing is superb and admirable I'm sure, but not really for me. Rating 6/10
Aha! The Sixteen. I once sang for them briefly, when a regular member of their bass section was suddenly indisposed.
Wonderful choir the Sixteen - but as I said the music of the 16th Century lacks the emotion I desire.
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