I derived some pleasure from the discovery that the Richard & Judy Show 'quiz' 'You Say We Pay' has been fixed. The successful candidate to appear on the show is selected early in the live programme but the hosts (unaware of the fact - we're told) continue to urge viewers to phone a premium rate number to get on the quiz. I do have another objection. Most of the 'selector questions' are so bleeding obvious that there is no skill required at all. Of course that is intentional to get more people to phone up. Premium phone lines generate huge sums for Channel 4 - so call me cynical but I'm hardly surprised that they want to have overwhelming numbers of callers. It also illustrates to me that Channel 4 do not deserve to be considered a Public Service Broadcaster. After the Big Brother troubles earlier this year (another scheme to get money from phone calls) Channel 4 should be thinking long and hard about their programme ethics.
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