I'm an insomniac - so unfortunately I regularly come across these late night quizes that most TV companies now seem to run - often featuring former Big Brother winner Brian Dowling. These shows are clearly making vast sums of money out of very vulnerable people. The 'game' is to complete a phrase (eg Play............) or suggest items (eg found in a handbag, on a beach). Then for five hours people phone in suggesting an answer. 95% appear to be wrong, and most of the 'shows' consist of the presenter dragging out time and urging people to phone in again and again and again.
I have a double gripe - firstly alot of people are spending vast amounts of money hanging on the phone, or constantly re-dialling (they pay for the call even if they don't get through) and there is absolutely no skill required, no knowledge, no intellect, and in fact many of the 'answers' are so obscure as to be unimaginable.
Licence to print money - I reckon! Gambling without a licence - definitely.
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