Why are people so worked up about Inheritance Tax? It affects very few estates, and the estates have to be pretty large before they attract this tax. However, in the south of England (and especially London) the main problem is the cost of properties - so even a modest house will force an estate into attracting tax. Two things that I don't think are said enough: firstly (logically) the tax only applies when the house owner dies - which is often over 80 nowadays. Now the complaint about inheritance tax is that people can't leave money for their children, so this tax is a tax on young people setting out - a bequest helps children onto the property ladder. If someone is over 80 their children are likely to be at least 50. So they would need to be leaving their property to grandchildren or great grandchildren to achieve the aim of financing people as they set out on their careers. The second thing is a great taboo in modern life. Will someone tell me why rocketing house prices are a good thing? If you have a house costing £250,000 to sell this is only good if you can find another house to live in a £200,000. Reducing house prices would have the following bonuses: reduction in debt burden on young people, reducing private rents, less pressure on interest rates, allowing people to move instead of being stuck in houses that are no longer suitable. Lower house prices will avoid inheritance tax, stamp duty, reduce estate agents fees, legal fees, and will probably speed up transactions. So lets get building houses and start to see a stabilisation of house prices.