Sunday, June 24, 2007
Over 1300 visitors
The New Leadership

Saturday, June 09, 2007
Royal Festival Hall

Maybe it isn't great architecture, but there is something wonderful about the Royal Festival Hall. Opened on 3rd June 1951 it is almost exactly my age, and I've been to see many events within these so typically 1950s walls.
It is has just re-opened after a £90 million refit - and so much of the original has been retained, I'm pleased to say. This is really quite a homey building for one so large - and now the neighbouring 1960s/1970s brutalist buildings that surround it almost blend in.
Set beside the Thames it boasts some of the loveliest views of London, and at this time of the year it is a view that rivals any in the world.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Big Brother

There really is something badly wrong with Channel 4 television. Not only do they continue with the appalling Big Brother for most of the day, they propose to show an unsavoury programme about the death of Princess Diana including insensitive pictures in the tunnel where she died. This is 'in the public interest' we're told - but not according to her sons.
How about boycotting this channel - and telling them that you've given up watching anything they produce?
The Rose Tattoo - Tennessee Williams

The play is not the usual moody Tennessee Williams. It is a vehicle for a tour de force performance by Ms Wanamake. A story about a Scicilian woman in the deep south of the United States who believes she has the perfect husband and a perfect marriage. Naturally this is not true, as she discovers when her husband is killed in suspicious circumstances. She keeps his urn of ashes in front of a shrine to St Mary. A devout, if not fanatical Catholic she believes in miracles (including the appearance of a tattoo of a rose just like the one her husband used to sport at critical moments). After becoming a widow her grief drives her to bizarre behaviour and she cossets her daughter to prevent her falling into sin.
Really this is a stary of delusion - she refuses to accept her husband's infidelity, that her daughter has grown up, that the rose tattoo did not appear at the moment of her daughter's conception, etc.
Zoe is superb, her accent wonderful, and many of the supporting cast are excellent, but some have trouble with the accent - it veers from sub cockney to godfather Italian, New York Jewish to West Coast Hollywood - sometimes in the same sentence!
This was a theatrical occassion - and probably the performance of Zoe's life - she must be exhausted as she is on stage for almost all of the three hours.
My rating: 9/10
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Gant's Hill Tube Station

Signs of Aging

Bank Charges

REGULARLY go either overdrawn or flout their overdraft limit should be penalised. Perhaps a seven day

The Bizarre World of Anthony Steen MP

Friday, June 01, 2007
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