I must be turning into a total philistine but I have to admit that I am no longer a fan of either Mozart on his operas.

I have not seen this opera before but I have no intention of ever seeing it again. I suspect it is intended to be light-hearted and humerous, but the kind of studied humour in this opera is just too wearing, and wearying for me. It is the usual operatic story - lovers forced apart by circumstance (in this case pirates and a hareem have intervened) and two hours are spent re-uniting the lovers. However, as it is Mozart there is not the tragedy that I love in Verdi or Puccini, no romantic music and soaring duets instead we get vocal gymnastics and downright showing off. In this case the notes and arias go higher and higher and to my ears the beauty of the song turns into shrieking or screeching.
In Amadeus the Emperor declares 'Too many notes, Mr Mozart' and oh how I agree with him!
My rating 4/10
This was the English Touring Opera production at the Hackney Empire.