An enjoyable film - again not getting the widest of releases - in the UK at least. A tale of the break up of a marriage in the 1980s - parents where it turns out the 'wronged' party is surprisingly the husband - although he probably deserved to be cheated on as he is just so unbelievably appalling - any woman with a couple of brain cells would have left him 20 years earlier! The more fascinating are the two boys - who lie and behave in bizarre fashions more as a result of their parents treating them as equals than because of their break up. Who talks openly to a 14 year old about previous marriages and parades their boyfriends/girlfriends in front of them?
Well worth seeing - it is well acted and quite a period study of the 1980s. But what kept nagging me was where had I seen the femal lead (on the right of the picture) before?